If you support the aims of The Friends of St. Dionysius, please consider joining us.

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To get started simply click this link. https://smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/1068544-0 and follow the instructions.

Then use smile.amazon.co.uk when you shop on Amazon in the future and commission of 0.5% will be paid on purchases to Friends of St Dionysius.

Become a Friend of St. Dionysius

Benefits of becoming A Friend

As A Friend of St. Dionysius Church, Market Harborough, LE16 7NB [Reg. Charity No. 1068544] you will:-

  • be involved in maintaining the integrity of the town’s outstanding architectural gem.
  • be invited to social and fundraising events during the year.
  • demonstrate your interest in preservation and conservation.
  • receive articles about the history and future prospects of the building.
  • receive a copy of The Friends’ annual newsletter.
  • get the opportunity to meet other Friends, who share your interests.
  • be invited to The Friends’ A.G.M. in February each year.

The current requested minimum donation rates are:

Individual Annual Donation – £12 Family Annual Donation – £18 Life Donation Individual – £150 Life Donation Joint – £250


Sue Rylance
Email: rylance1947@gmail.com


Schedule of donations made and funds raised.